Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Is Cyber Espionage a Threat Essay Sample

Is Cyber Espionage a Threat Essay Sample Cyber Espionage: An Escalating Threat Essay Sample Cyber Espionage: An Escalating Threat Essay Sample With the development of computer technologies, cyber espionage has become a vital issue. The Internet and various computer tools make the search for information quick and easy. However, accessibility of information leads to inevitable information leaks. This facilitates cyber spying. Cyber espionage is a form of cyber attack. The primary research question that this paper attempts to answer is: is cyber espionage a genuine threat? Is Cyber Espionage a Genuine Threat? The paper aims at reviewing the existing scholarly sources that deal with the issue of cyber espionage. This is a necessary step to make in order to determine whether it is an actual threat and find a way to reduce or overcome it. The basic hypothesis of this research is that cyber espionage is a genuine and escalating threat, and its implications have the ability to change the balance of global power. The independent variables important for the research are the number and nature of cyber spying cases. Dependent variables include the number and origin of sources that are discussed. The choice of literature regarding the problem of cyber espionage is rather wide. For example, the book Cyber Spying by Ted Fair describes how average computer users can become cyber spies. The author discusses the reasons that cause ordinary people to start cyber spying. He also attempts to analyze psychological motivation of cyber spies and formulate a code of ethics that cyber spies seem to follow. In the researcher’s opinion, social networks are the main tool of cyber espionage since they facilitate leaks of compromising information. This is why the author pays special attention to privacy concerns. Numerous articles are dedicated to cyber espionage used by the governmental structures and increased spying-related crime. The book Cybercrime and Espionage: the Analysis of Subversive Multi-Vector Threats by Will Gragido and John Pirc discusses the problem of cyber spying expansion. The author focuses on psychological analysis of cyber spies’ activities. Cyber spying is considered a threat to the next generation. Acceleration of IT technologies increases the risk of sudden and advanced military attacks and political conflicts. Minor crimes related to cyber spying such as blackmailing and scamming have become a kind of business. Sometimes, cyber spying infringes on human rights. For example, the CIA develops new ways of spying through phones. This infringes on privacy of the citizens. While on the Internet, users usually voluntarily provide personal information, in phone conversations people normally do not expect to be overheard. The expansion of cyber spying has changed the conventional attitudes of intelligence services and led to significant restructuring of security agencies in many countries, including America and Russia. Much research has been done on the issue of preventing cyber spying and improving Internet security policies. For example, the article â€Å"The Anatomy of Cyber Espionage by Chinese Hackers† by Aditya Sood and Richard Enbody reveals the vulnerable side of the Internet. Most cyber espionage is done through hacking, and since 2000, the number of hacker attacks has been growing every year. The authors describe hacking techniques and discusse various protective measures, starting from development of online military defense systems and ending with personal privacy options for ordinary users. Further research needs to be done on the issue of military usage of cyber espionage. Articles that deal with military strategy and theory of espionage can be useful for this. This research plan includes analyzing several security-related books, including The Cuckoo’s Egg: Tracking a Spy through the Maze of Computer Technology by Cliff Stoll. This book seems to be useful for research since it provides information about defense from espionage and the means for tracking hackers. The book is aimed at average users. This is why the methods described by the author seem to be easy to understand and definitely usable for research purposes. All above-mentioned facts lead to the conclusion that cyber espionage indeed is an escalating threat. The Internet, mobile connections, and other innovations of modern time have caused a number of potential risks that should be taken into consideration by any user. The risk of spying is always present, no matter what activity users are involved in, which is why constant awareness of the threat is highly important. Methodology and Research Strategy As long as the research has been chosen to be conducted in terms of qualitative data analysis, it is necessary to admit that the applied methodology has a form of correlative analysis. In other words, the independent and the dependent variables are described. As it has been already mentioned, the independent variables are presented by the types of cyber espionage, while the dependent ones are frequency and origins of the cyber spying evidence. The study draws links between these variables in order to identify what type of cyber espionage is the most frequent regarding its sources and purposes. The methodology can be justified by the fact that quantitative data does not give an account on the essence of cyber espionage because Internet spying consists of various forms, and each of them is caused by a particular complex of reasons. It is also worth mentioning that the research is closely tied to a methodological framework in terms of the international law. Espionage in cyberspace is no t regulated by any physical as well as virtual organs. Therefore, only federal, state, and the international laws perform regulative control, which is not effective since cyber espionage cannot be referred to particular physical territory. To return to the subject of the correlative analysis, it is sourced with a sufficient volume of the related empirical literature that provides evidences of cyber espionage. It is becoming increasingly apparent that qualitative methodology is not capable of depicting the entire situation within the terms of the subject. Instead, it attempts to reveal the essence of cyber espionage and typical reasons for its proactive development in case such evidence can be justified. First, this type of methodology is able to address the issue of cyber espionage being a genuine threat. Provided that this statement is proved, the issue of escalating threat regarding cyber espionage will be underpinned accordingly. All analyzed cases have been referred to empirical literature that has served the function of orientation and framework. To be more specific, a major contribution has been made by the books Research Handbook on International Law and Cyber space by Nicholas Tsagouris and Russel Buchan as well as he Cuckoo’s Egg: Tracking a Spy through the Maze of Computer Technology by Cliff Stoll. These books describe legal perspective of cyber espionage and include description of original types of spying in cyberspace, definition, and explanation of certain cases of cyber and traditional espionage and their being subject to particular international and federal laws. The books have managed to create a meaningful theoretical ground for the research. As a result, the research has been conducted in terms of distinct methodological framework so that limitations to the findings are expected to be regarded as a drawback based on the objective reasons. The rest of the literature, however, has made its significant contribution as well, but all central issues of the research have been referred to these books. Still, the research has its limitations so that they are worth a description in more detail. In fact, it is appropriate to make a comment on the peculiarities of the limitations. Surprisingly, limitations are a quite positive sign in terms of the study. As long as the framework of the research is legal-based, the rest of the similar cases are a subject to the same international and federal laws. Hence, the study does not address the entire situation regarding the problem of cyber espionage, but it creates a reliable source for orientation in the further investigation of this problem. The study focuses on the indication of the most threatening form of cyber espionage so that its findings can be potentially important for the future improvement of prevention and studying espionage in cyberspace. This is the main point about the methodology and the strategy of the research so that findings and qualitative data analysis should be issued. Findings and Analysis As the result of the research, the study has indicated the following types of cyber espionage as the independent variables. First, it is copying materials and content for private and public use. In other words, it is a so-called piracy or violation of copyrights. This type of cyberespionage presupposes stealing of some content and spreading it online without a permission of the owner. In fact, it is the most widespread form of cyber espionage. The law is not able to regulate that as long as the Internet is generally regarded as a method of placement and distribution of content. Namely, pirates do not spread copyrighted content under the other name, brand, or trademark. That is why the law of intellectual property is not violated technically. Certain regulative controls obviously exist but they are not sufficiently effective for addressing such a common problem. Still, the type of cyber espionage is not genuine or proactively escalating. In fact, there is no possible way to decrease piracy, as it will reflect on the promotion of the original content. What is more, the original owners do not have any legal grounds for accusing pirates of copyright violation since the brand or trademark coincides with the custom titles of content. Piracy has being existing long before the era of Internet so that it cannot be regarded as a genuine form of cyber espionage. It is also not capable of making a considerable harm to the national safety, infrastructure, or top-secret data. Therefore, a high correlation of the type of frequency and homogeneous origins do not testify about this type of cyber spying as an escalating threat to the world society. That is why this pair of variables has been excluded from the list of potential threats. The other form of cybercrimes is cyberbullying. It is usually based on the violation of human rights. In other words, it presupposes promotion, description, and appreciation of such actions as abuse, harassment, and mocking of minorities, social groups, genders, and ages. It may be a simple insult made online in social networks, chats, and forums. Usually, such actions are a subject to John Perry Barlow’s Declaration of the Independence in Cyberspace and United Nation’s Charter of Non-intervention and Sovereignty. The United States has its own federal and state laws that actually protect the same human rights, but the related responsibility is referred to state or federal court of law. Thus, violation of human rights via Internet is an equal subject to the legal responsibility as well as the same actions in the physical world. However, cyberbullying is merely a form of abusive behavior rather than a new form of cybercrime. In other words, the same actions are taken in the real world on a day-to-day basis so that it cannot be regarded as a genuine and escalating threat. Violation of human rights is a proactively developing danger for the entire global society, but its cyber form does not have to be regarded as drastically influential factor. Even though these actions are quite frequent online, they do not obtain the major part of the cyberspace so that it cannot imply any negative consequences for the society. Thus, this form of cybercrime has been also excluded from a particular focus of the research. Again, one should pay attention to the fact that independent variable is correlated with a high frequency and similar origins of this type of cyber espionage. That is why it is necessary to move onto the discussion of the next independent variable. In spite of contemporary means of cyber protection, the threat of cyberterrorism emerges on a regular basis as malicious software is designed with a proactive frequency. Authorities as well as scholars are aware of such threat so that they publically express their anxiety concerning the negative consequences of cyberterrorist hacking attacks on governmental as well as private computer networks. Thus, a current state of this type of cyber espionage is quite unclear regarding the validity of cyberterrorism threat exposed to the U.S. and world infrastructure. The concerns regarding the outcomes of cyberterrorism were introduced to society by the extent of real-life terrorism, especially taking into consideration the tragedy of 9/11. Still, a considerably little number of cases of aggressively strong cyber assaults has been reported in recent years. Therefore, there is a distinct doubt whether cyberterrorism is a genuine threat to the national and global infrastructure or it is a result of active media and social gossips. Similarly, cyberterrorism is just another form of terrorism that will be used in combination of violent shelling, ambushes, and capturing of civilians. On the contrary, cyberterrorism is a subject to a separate international and U.S. federal laws though. Consequently, an international community has managed to find ways of protection from cyberterrorism even though hackers are usually one step ahead regarding the development of malicious software and means of network intrusion. Eventually, it should be admitted that cyberterrorism is not a genuine as well as not escalating threat as an appropriate response and incident management are in the constant development. Hacking assaults will keep occurring, but every single time they are likely to face a meaningful response because cyberterrorism became a comprising part of terroristic activities. Conversely, cyber espionage in its primary meaning is an obvious threat that keeps escalating. There are numerous reasons to consider the original cyber espionage to be a real threat, but it is necessary to be explicit about what is exactly meant by this term. It is an intentional intrusion in the governmental or any other top-secret database or network in order to retrieve certain information for terroristic, fraud, or any other activities by foreign as well as native representatives of a particular state. Cyber espionage has become a central issue in 2013 after a scandal with Edward Snowden and malicious attacks on Iran Oil Company. The United States were blamed by Russian Kaspersky Lab for contributing to the development of the malware, but the argument has raged unabated. In any case, the number of cyber espionage acts has started increasing in recent years, which is obviously a negative tendency. It is also essential to refer to external factors such as geopolitics and macroeconomics. These spheres are in a state of constant fluctuations nowadays so that they make their i mpact as well. This is the most recent evidence of cybercrimes but is not actually genuine though. Spying has existed long time before the Internet era, but such form of espionage is increasingly escalating. It can be explained by the fact that geopolitical relationships between the United States and Russia have worsened considerably. In addition, a proactive development of ISIL is also a reason to regard cyber espionage as the most escalating form of cybercrimes. It is becoming increasingly apparent that maximum of correlation between the independent and dependent variables does not witness about the relevant phenomena. Cyber espionage is a recently emerged threat and its origins are relatively vague. Still, it exposes a real threat to the global stability, and particular reasons for such findings are worth discussion as well. As the analysis of the findings can attest, the most frequent forms of cyber espionage do not necessarily mean that they are escalating ones. One may argue that the research has chosen an inappropriate methodology and framework, but nobody would deny the fact that the outcomes of the research are more important that certain technical issues. In any case, the correlation between the independent and dependent variables is an indicator of the least threatening form of cyber spying. It can be obviously traced throughout the entire description of findings. The violation of copyrights has demonstrated the highest correlation of variables while a factual extent of the problem is far from being critical. At the same time, a medium frequency and variety of origins is a justified reason to consider original cyber espionage to be the most threatening form. It can be explained by the fact that a variety of origins is caused by an according variety of purposes. Therefore, a number of potential pu rposes for use of cyber espionage lead to a conclusion that this is more dangerous phenomenon than it may be expected as long as there are more possibilities for its use. Regarding that, a possibility of cyber espionage escalation is expected on the international level. It can be thwarted but not predicted as the external factors play a significant role in its further development. In contrast, escalation of cyber spying is a temporal phenomenon because it will lose its strong impacts as soon as the geopolitical situation stabilizes globally. Cases of cyber espionage are a subject to federal and state laws only so that it is hard to regulate in terms of the international law since it is not tied to a particular country or area. That is why cyber spies have enough freedom to perform their activities. A distinct strength of this finding is based on the fact that the study focuses on the identification of a specific problem. As a result, that helps to orient the future investigation towards a particular problem instead of attempting to address all of them in a complex. What is more, the paper has revealed external factors of the identified problem. The problem of cyber espionage is related to a physical world so that a solution has to be found in the same dimension. Namely, stabilization of geopolitical situation on the world arena can be possible based on diplomacy and negotiations. That will lead to decrease of cyber espionage efficiency, as it will be not needed any longer. In fact, it is the same situation as with cyberterrorism. Both phenomena will keep occurring without any respect to the success of governmental security organs in the field of anti-malware designs. Considering all these points, it should be admitted that these findings could be utilized for a more detailed re search regarding cyber espionage as an escalating threat caused by the intensification of geopolitical and macroeconomic environments. However, it is worth saying that these findings are still limited to a certain extent. The outlined findings are capable of creating a major basis for the further research, but a wide range of questions has to be answered. The findings have revealed that the current state of the knowledge is extremely insufficient and imperfect as influence of external environment is not commonly considered in terms of similar researches. That is why the findings are limited to the contribution into the following investigations as long as this study cannot be regarded as fully complete and independent. It is appropriate to mention that the study has not considered external factors of the other types of cybercrimes so that they possibly might have some implications as well. There is little probability of such a scenario, but the study is particularly focused on the original cyber espionage so that it is reflected in the statement of the study’s hypothesis. Overall, the limitations of the study are the evidence of the findings’ relevance rather than a major drawback. Despit e all limitations, the paper has managed to indicate the most threatening type of cyber spying so that it is necessary to draw related conclusions. In conclusion, it is essential to make a general comment on the study that has focused on the identification of cyber espionage as a genuine and escalating threat to the global society. The paper has introduced the research problem and the hypothesis. The hypothesis is based on the assumption that cyber espionage as an escalating threat to the entire world society. The study has decided to utilize qualitative approach, which is why the independent variables is types of cyber espionage while the dependent ones is frequency and origins of cyber spying. Then, the research has conducted a literature review and identified the main types of cyber espionage. The paper has also given an account to the methodology and research strategy that are based on correlation of the independent and dependent variables. As a result, the study has presented and analyzed the findings of the research. The findings have proved the validity of the hypothesis and revealed certain implications regarding researc h problem. The original cyber espionage has been indicated as the most proactively developing form of cyber spying because a high frequency of such cases has been recently reported, and numerous external factors are definitely involved in the emerging of this problem. The study has been framed from the perspective of the international law so that every single type of cyber espionage has been referred to a certain law. Still, the methodology of the paper has occurred to have certain limitations. On the one hand, it does not presuppose that the findings are able to address the entire context of cyber espionage worldwide. Moreover, the methodological framework on the basis on the international law simplified the limitations, as similar cases of cyber spying can become a subject to the same laws. On the other hand, the paper has left a wide variety of issues that are expected to be addressed in the future investigations. The study has proved the hypothesis, but has not issued fundamental knowledge about cyber espionage’s essence. It does not have to be considered as a drawback of the research as it has highlighted the importance of the external environment in regards to the origins of cyber espionage. Hence, it is quite reasonable to suggest the following direction for the further research. As long as the original cyber espionage has relatively vague sources, the future research has to clarify its origins and trace the relations between cyber spying and events in geopolitics, macroeconomics, show business, and so on.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Do the Amish Have Dentists Are Their Teeth Often Bad

Do the Amish Have Dentists Are Their Teeth Often Bad SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you’ve ever seen the popular TLC show Breaking Amish, you might be wondering about Amish dental care. What do Amish teeth look like? Do Amish people go to dentists? And is it true that Amish people often get all of their teeth pulled, as Rebecca on Breaking Amish did? We answer all of these questions and more in this article. Do Amish People Go to Dentists? First off, do Amish people ever go to dentists? The answer is yes and no. Although more and more Amish families are opting for modern dental care, many still prefer alternative medicines and treatments. As a result, Amish teeth and what they look like can vary significantly depending on the community and even the individual family. A recently published study on Amish children in the Geauga county of Ohio found that only 33 percent of Amish children had seen a dentist in the past year, and 28 percent had never seen a dentist at all. Some of the main reasons Amish people don't seek out dental care are their religious beliefs, how far away the nearest dental office is, and a lack of health insurance. According to the study, 87 percent of Amish children were uninsured, despite being eligible for Medicaid. As you can see, Amish dental care is a mixed bag. Some Amish people, but not all, visit modern dentists for oral care. But even those who do seek care don't always do so on a regular basis. This leads us to our next question: what do Amish teeth look like? Are Amish Teeth Healthy? Because many Amish people don't or can't seek out modern dental care, dental problems are often an issue in Amish communities- often leading to pulled teeth and, in extreme cases, dentures. In the study mentioned above, Amish children were found to have high levels of untreated tooth decay, mirroring the trends of other rural US communities. Such dental problems are not only due to a lack in dental care but also non-fluoridated drinking water and the tendency to forgo preventive care (Amish communities have higher rates of unvaccinated children as well). Therefore, it's not uncommon for Amish people to visit local Amish dentists to have some or even all of their teeth removed. Extraction is often viewed as a more affordable and convenient solution to dental issues than trying to fix a problematic tooth. As such, many Amish people- even youths- wear dentures. Rebecca from the TLC reality show Breaking Amish is perhaps the most famous case of this. On the show, Rebecca explained how she had all of her teeth removed at the age of 19 and currently wears dentures. Rebecca from "Breaking Amish" showing off her dentures. Conclusion: Amish Dental Care Practices So do Amish people take care of their teeth? As with any group of people, some Amish people have healthy teeth with few problems, whereas others have unhealthy teeth with many problems (or no teeth at all). Though many Amish people fail to see dentists regularly, it's important not to assume that all Amish people wear dentures or suffer from dental issues. In fact, many Amish people nowadays utilize modern dental care, with some even going as far as getting braces!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discrimination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discrimination - Essay Example Being of the minority of Chinese descent living in the United States, I am often subjected to racial discrimination on matters that might not even relate to me personally. Such prejudice is a result of the generalized misconceptions (Ruchlis 2) that people have fostered about the Chinese population in the United States, and I often fall victim to such stereotypic prejudice (Ruchlis 1). Working as a cashier in a store, one day I was faced with a situation in which a white lady made a ride remark about my ethnicity. Our store has a policy that customers can only use a card to make a purchase if the bill amounts to a minimum of three dollars. This lady bought a lollipop and wanted to make the payment through a credit card. I politely explained to her that this was not possible since her transaction did not amount to the minimum set by our store manager. Instead of trying to abide by this rule, she commented that such a behavior was typical of â€Å"you Chinese people†. I was disa ppointed and heartbroken by this comment, as it was not my fault and I had no way of assisting her. Nevertheless, I was viewed as a troublemaker for the customers just because of my ethnicity. I feel that had the cashier been a white native, he or she would not have been subjected to such comments by the same customer. This is an example of the social prejudice that people nurture in their hearts when they have too little information about a group of people whom they have to deal with on a daily basis (Ruchlis 2).... This discrimination, according to Ruchlis, forms the third level of social prejudice (8). On the other hand, I sometimes act as a perpetrator, too, practicing social discrimination and prejudice against certain groups of people that I either do not like or do not feel comfortable with. I have often held a negative view about the black population of the area that I live and work in. Some of this discrimination has resulted due to unpleasant experiences that I have had with that group (Ruchlis 2), and those feelings of resentment have been augmented by the general views of my friends and the people around me about the black populace (Ruchlis 4). I generally believe them to be rude and stingy, and although I am well aware that holding such negative notions about a community in general is faulty on my part (Ruchlis 3), I still keep on harboring such feelings. For instance, just recently a black lady came to our store to buy groceries. It was the first time she had come, so she needed som e directions as to the location of certain items and some help with choosing among the options. Although I assisted her, my manner was very rude. I did not address her as â€Å"ma’am† or â€Å"lady†, rather I answered her questions in merely â€Å"yes† and â€Å"no†, and overall had a very exasperated air to me. Thinking that she would be so stingy as to deny me any tip for assisting her, I did not put my best foot forward, and did not give her my best advice. Nevertheless, she was very sweet of me, and on her way out at the counter, she gave me a handsome compensation for helping her, which was very surprising for me. She has not visited the store since then, so

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Wireless Technology in Hotels Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Wireless Technology in Hotels - Assignment Example Later, we discover the importance of mobility and came up with a "wireless" network. Now, everybody is taking about "wireless" and we cannot help thinking of Wi-Fi, the marvel of wireless. This report details the technical aspects of Wi-Fi and its advantages over the conventional wired networks. It presents the evolution of Wi-Fi from a humble mobile device tool into a sought after device for high-speed wireless internet access. It shows the unique qualities of Wi-Fi that captures the heart of businesses around the globe and how it became so popular in the hospitality industry. It also covers the impact of wireless technology in hotels and the numerous benefits it will bring. In the past decades, the hospitality industry has witness remarkable rise in computer use. It is difficult to find an establishment in the industry without some type of information technology. IT influenced the hotels in various ways, increasing competence and reducing domestic operations cost through efficient property management systems, billing, accounting, human resources, inventories and more. It is no doubt an important tool for marketing and dissemination through the internet and digital media. It is the significant force driving change in hospitality industry and its occurring more quickly than anyone can foresee. Moreover, it has widely influence the in-room technology and gu... It seems that any hotel that does not acknowledge the vibrant nature of the hospitality industry, and appreciate the extraordinary changes taking place within it, will have a modest chance of being competitive in the 21st century. A hotel room with stunning view and high-speed broadband services are now becoming a standard request from travellers. It is an indication that the technology is already a part of the hotel industry and an essential service to implement in order to be competitive in the present industry setting. A "must have" amenity for mid-size to large hotels is the innovative technology known as Wi-Fi. It enables a person with a wireless enabled computer to connect to the internet remotely with greater transfer speed. Many hotels are now offering Wi-Fi access free as part of their standard services and are making money from this cutting-edge technology through soaring occupancy rates. THE WI-FI TECHNOLOGY Lucent and Agere Systems (formerly NCR Corporation and AT&T) with Victor Hayes invented Wi-Fi in 1991. Victor Hayes and his team design the standards such as IEEE 802.11b, 802.11a and 802.11g and later he became the father of Wi-Fi. The Agere System, without Hayes (retired in 2003), suffered strong competition from cheaper Wi-Fi solutions and later quit the Wi-Fi market in 2004. The term Wi-Fi for clarification, is not "Wireless Fidelity" but a term to described WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) products that are based on the IEEE 802.11 standards. The Interbrand Corporation developed the brand name "Wi-Fi" for the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (better known as Wi-Fi Alliance) for their marketing strategy. Audeh 2004, page

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Providing visual support Essay Example for Free

Providing visual support Essay Nancy is 24 year old women and a house wife by profession. She is disabled by birth and totally dependant on wheelchair. She stays with her husband, who is software professional and busy most of the time. Being a housewife, Nancy has vey little technology knowledge and finds it difficult to use technology spontaneously. Nancy doesn’t want her disability to become her weakness and wants to work like a normal housewife, like cooking for her husband, washing utensils etc. She wants a kitchen which is universally designed and where she should be able to work effectively like a normal person with ease of use and learning being her first priority. How should an interior designer design a universally designed kitchen keeping in mind people like Nancy? †¢ Making the height of the kitchen cabinet, Cook top, Microwave stand accessible by wheelchair. †¢ Having an adjustable-height cabinets, can help all users to use them effectively. Also customizable design which can be changed based on user preferences also makes design effective and more usable. †¢ Having a removable sink and drying rack will give sufficient space for food preparation. This can again be re-fitted as and when required. Thus giving flexibility to people like Nancy or old aged people, who can’t stand and cook. †¢ Foldable cabinet doors under cooktop, providing sufficient knee space. †¢ Providing visual support can also help users to use kitchen more easily and effectively. †¢ Voice based support in kitchen can also be a good idea, thus making design accessible for people with low vision. †¢ Automated dishwasher or microwave system can help them easily placing dish without much effort. Let’s see some examples of universally designed kitchens Persona 3. He is a retired professional and stays alone in his 2 bedroom apartment which is on the 10th floor. He finds it difficult to walk and climb stairs and also have sight problem. Rodney has very little technology knowledge and finds it difficult to remember things, due to his growing age. He depends on electronic wheelchair most of the time. He needs an elevator system in his apartment which can accommodate his wheelchair also, making his life easy at this age. How can we make a universally designed elevator? †¢ Increasing the width of the elevator hence giving ample space to use wheelchairs and thus making it approachable †¢ Big display screen, which displays the floor details big and clear, thus accommodating people like Rodney to use it with ease †¢ Voice based support system, which informs the user which floor the user is in, can also help the disabled user to use them effectively. Let’s see example of a universally designed elevator Conclusion: Irrespective of age, ability or disability and situations, every has the right to effectively use any products or services, hence designers should always be conscious about this fact and implement their design ideas to serve one and everyone. This is what universal design means. Bibliography http://idea.ap.buffalo.edu/ http://www. design. ncsu. edu/cud/about_ud/udprincipleshtmlformat. html#top Frascara J. , (1997), User-Centred Graphic Design: Mass Communication and Social Change, Taylor Francis, London

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Effects of the Green Revolution on the Punjabi Soils of India Essay

The Effects of the Green Revolution on the Punjabi Soils of India The Green Revolution hopes to avert global hunger crises by enabling developing nations to be self sufficient. The goal is to replace old agricultural traditions with newer Western practices. Developing nations can increase their total yields by using genetically engineered seeds, large irrigation projects, and prolific quantities of fertilizer. The aim of this paper is examine the methods of the Green Revolution, and their effects on the soils of the Punjab region in India. What is the Green Revolution? The idea behind the Green Revolution is noble: to enable developing nations to grow their own food, and thereby avert mass starvation. During the period immediately after World War Two the United States had the dubious honor of unofficial safeguard against famine for all developing nations. Despite political pressure to modernize their agricultural systems, most developing nations were more interested in large industrial projects. During 1965, when urged to restructure Indian agriculture, one government official replied, "Why should we bother? Our reserves are the wheat fields of Kansas." (Brown, 1970) This reply was shown to be true in 19 67 when after two consecutive monsoon failures, the United States shipped one fifth of its wheat crop to India in order to avert mass starvation. The United States fed 60 million Indians for two years. There was an acute need to change American foreign aid policy. The first change was an increase in support for such organizations as the Agency for International Development (AID), which specialized in financing shipments of fertilizer. Green Revolution agronomists reasoned that farming could be intensified if ferti... ...ganic fertility of soils." (Shiva, 1991) Works Cited: Brown, Lester R., Seeds of Change; The Green Revolution and Development in the 1970's, Praeger Publishers: New York, 1970. Glaeser, Bernhard, The Green Revolution Revisited, Allen & Unwin: Boston, 1987. Holmes, Bob, 1993, "A New Study Finds There's Life Left in the Green Revolution," Science, vol. 261, p.1517. Lappà ©, Francis Moore and Joseph Collins, World Hunger; Twelve Myths, Institute For Food and Development Policy & Grove Press: New York, 1986. Sen, Bandhudas, The Green Revolution in India, John Wiley & Sons: New York, 1974. Shiva, Vandana, The Violence of the Green Revolution, Third World Network: Penang Malaysia, 1991. Wolf, Edward C., "Beyond the Green Revolution: New Approaches for Third World Agriculture," World Watch Paper 73, WorldWatch Institute, Washington D.C., October 1986.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Critical thinking process Essay

Critical thinking often involves the creation of alternative plans, solutions, approaches, etc. , then comparing original with the alternatives. Creative thinking requires some critical evaluation during and after the creative phase. Critical thinking depends upon that little known and seldom discussed characteristic of the human nervous system—self-reflexiveness. Usually it also depends upon that remarkable human creation and tool—self reflexive language. Humans not only know about their environment, they know that they know; they can think about how they think, evaluate their evaluations. Languages, too, have this self-reflexive characteristic. They enable us to talk about talk, to make statements about statements, to write books about writing books. The self-reflexiveness of language and the human nervous system provide us with an open minded system: we can make statements about statements, indefinitely; we can react to our reactions to our reactions indefinitely. At no point can we say, â€Å"That’s the last word on the subject† or, â€Å"No further reaction is possible† (since, in doing so, we have said more, reacted further). However, believing that we have said the last word may cut of the self-reflexive process. This open ended, self reflexive system makes it possible for us to conduct scientific research, write poetry, plan enterprises, spin out complex tales of fiction—or spread rumours, spin webs of delusion and talk ourselves into insanity or war. Which we will do depends in part upon our motivation, but also upon our understanding of the thinking process and some aspects of the working of the nervous system. General semantics provides a meta-linguistic or ‘second order’ approach to critical thinking. It enables us to use self-reflexiveness systematically to monitor on-going evaluations. The principles and devices it provides call attention to either-or and ‘allness’ statements, to inferences treated as facts, to overgeneralizations, to statements unrestricted in time, to overly-simple statements of causality, etc. The tools work, whatever the order of abstraction, whatever the source of the statement (Johnson, 1991). How language empowers or limits the expression of our thoughts. Along with most of his contemporaries, Blair defines language in terms of a relationship between signs and thoughts: â€Å"Language †¦ signifies the expression of our ideas by certain articulate sounds, which are used as the signs of those ideas† (cited 1:98). Elaborating on this interdependence, he asserts that â€Å"when we are employed†¦ in the study of composition, we are cultivating reason itself. True rhetoric and sound logic are very nearly allied. The study of arranging and expressing our thoughts with propriety, teaches to think, as well as to speak, accurately†¦ so close is the connection between thought and the words in which they are clothed† (Ulman, 1994). Language can empowers and limit the expression of our thoughts. Talking about something that reinforces it, therefore say what you want to be true. Language has power, and by knowing this, you can select words that allow others to hear and understand you. Certain words provide a way of maintaining the focus of what you want. They can assist you to be in the state of mind that you desire. Looking for positive language patterns, gives your brain the opportunity to find alternative ways expressing your experiences to yourself and others. These tools get you off automatic pilot and in control. Having choice means you can regulate how an experience will affect you. You can choose to use your old patterns of expression which produces certain results, or use empowering language to give you different results. Now it can be you who decides. Labels limit is another concept that we’re dealing with here. When we label something or someone, we put a meaning on it that can limit our awareness, experience, and understanding. Labels are a form of beliefs, and like all beliefs, they filter our perceptions. Our beliefs only allow us to be conscious of things that are in agreement with them, and we unconsciously filter everything else. It can be tremendous evidence of the opposite to penetrate the belief filters. But with negative labels, the effects can be very destructive (Kaufman, 1998). The role of critical thinking in persuasion. What is the value of critical thinking? When someone else writes or speaks a peace of reasoning, they are trying to persuade us of something. Persuasion is an attempt to get us to believe something. People want us to believe things so that we will act in certain ways. Action requires some effort. There are choices involved. We could be doing something else. Because of this, it is very useful to be able to evaluate reasoning, for some pieces of reasoning should be accepted while others should not be accepted. If persuasion occurs in advertising, we could be doing many other things with our money. Take buying a car, for example. A lot of money can be involved, so what kind of car to buy can be a pretty big decision. Whether to marry a certain person or which of a couple of job offers to take are still bigger decisions. Almost every reader will eventually get some serious illness. There may be several different treatments available. One’s comfort, health, even ones life may depend on the decision as to which treatment to undertake. To make these decisions well, we will need to gather our own reasons to support various alternative conclusions. At that time, we could make an irrational decision, or a sheep like decision to follow some other person’s advice. The values of critical thinking, specifically how to recognize and evaluate reasoning, are the following: †¢ It help us arrive at true conclusions and therefore †¢ it increases our knowledge. †¢ It should help us make better decisions. †¢ It should help us persuade others and †¢ explain truth to them. †¢ Contribute to a happier life (Cogan, 1998). References Johnson, K. G. (1991). Thinking creatically: a systematic, interdisciplinary approach to creative-critical thinking. Englewood: Institute of General Semantics. Kaufman, R. A. (1998). Anatomy of Success. New York: Ronald A Kaufman. Robert Cogan. (1998). Critical thinking: step by step. Boston: University Press of America. Ulman, H. L. (1994). Things, thoughts, words, and actions: the problem of language in late eighteenth-century British rhetorical theory. New York: SIU Press.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

It Is Often Easier to Figth for Principles Than to Liv Up to Them

Adlai Stevenson once commented, â€Å"It is often easier to fight for principles than to live up to them. † Based o your reading, observation, or experience, to what extent to you agree or disagree with Stevenson’s words? Please give examples that support your point of view. One man said, â€Å"I don’t agree with what you say, but I defend with my life your right to say it†, thus, expressing the importance of the right of free speech. Many principles, for example justice, democracy and equality, which nowadays are taken for granted in the developed world, are the outcome of a long struggle through the ages. However, it is often said that people are more eager to fight for what they believe is right and just, than to live by the rules they have fought for. In my opinion, this is a solid argument which can be proven by several examples. Throughout human history there have been many examples of rebellions, which begun urged by idealism but afterwards lost their way. The most recent are the ones who took place for the sake of communism. To be more precise, communist rebels declared equal rights and a society without social classes, principles that were left aside as soon as the revolution was over and the government was a communist one. Communist leaders then, justified extreme measures as the only way to establish and maintain their ideals against capitalistic foes, depriving human rights, which were the main incentive of the rebellion. Another clue is how most people differentiate their principles and priorities as they grow older. It is mostly youngsters, especially the literate ones, who demonstrate a rebellious spirit against any violation of their principles. However, as years go by and student life is replaced by career and family obligations, these principles begin to fade away. Life is full of dilemmas and only the strong ones put aside personal interest for the sake of principles and beliefs. When someone is fighting for an ideal, he is comforted by the thought that, despite the danger, he is doing the right thing. He is doing something for the common good and that makes him feel a part of a larger group of common believers. One the other hand, when the goal is achieved and his ethical defenses are down, it is difficult and inconvenient to live by lofty principles. Priorities change and principles are considered a luxury for those with no responsibilities.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Queen of the Amazons Essays

Queen of the Amazons Essays Queen of the Amazons Paper Queen of the Amazons Paper Lydia and Wickhams marriage is an illustration of a regretful marriage. Their marriage was dependent on appearance, exceptional looks, and childish life. Once these values can no longer be viewed by one another, the once passionate connection will gradually disappear. In the novel, Lydia and Wickhams marriage slowly breaks down; Lydia ends up being a typical guest at her sisters home when her husband was gone to enjoy himself in London or Bath. Through their association, Jane Austen indicates that quick marriage dependent upon meaningless reasons rapidly fails and leads to sadness. Midsummer Nights Dream is a play by William Shakespeare about four specific stories that change throughout the play. Passionate love shows up on numerous occasions in A Midsummer Nights Dream. Hermia and Lysander show young, foolish fondness, while Helenas cherish is that of desperation. Demetrius love is inconsistent. Theseus earns his affection, Hippolyta, as a trophy of war. Titania and Oberon, married for advances, dispense pain and slyness on one another normally. While there is no living relationship of love that suits all the couples together. The marriage between Theseus and Hippolyta is used by Shakespeare to show compelled affection: I wooed thee with my sword. Hippolyta, having been the Queen of the Amazons, has been prevailed over by Theseus and is in this way under commitment to marry him, consequently indicating compelled affection. She is devoted to Theseus, who in return treats her well. When Theseus declared wooed it implies that Theseus is truthfully in love with Hippolyta and does wish to treat her properly. Hermia and Lysander are the lovers where nothing goes their way. Their affection is so solid that nothing would get in the way of their love. Hermia is confronted with a determination to marry Demetrius, the man she doesnt have feelings for. The father of Hermia is the one setting up the marriage. Their affection is so strong that they will let nothing stop them, so they run together into the woods. This sincerely is an indication of correct affection. Helena talks deeply describes, Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind and therefore is winged cupid is painted blind This implies that when you love someone, it doesnt matter what they look like but what is on the inside. Since Cupid is painted blind he doesnt love with his eyes but with his mind as he loves whats on the inside. One of the sorts of love that is not quite love but a large number of individuals oversight it as love is lust. This isnt being attracted with the person but loving one of their qualities. This is demonstrated with the association among Demetrius and Hermia. Demetrius just needs Hermia for the interest and not for who she is. An additional sort of adoration that might be exhibited is an unrequited love. This might be communicated by Helena and Demetrius. Helena adores Demetrius with every last trace of her heart but he doesnt want anything to do with her since there is no interest. Its a restricted sort of affection. Helena says, We should be wooed and were not made to woo. This means that she is attempting to tempt Demetrius, not him trying to tempt her.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Does Messy Handwriting Hurt Your SAT Essay Score

Does Messy Handwriting Hurt Your SAT Essay Score SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Worried about your messy handwriting? It’s tough not to have sloppy handwriting when you’re given only 50 minutes to read a passage, analyze it, and write an essay. How will your handwriting influence your SAT Essay score? Can it cause a lower score? Or even lead to a score of zero? I’ve got the answers along with more SAT Essay advice. Can You Get a Score of Zero for Messy Handwriting? It’s not possible to get a score of zero for any reason on the SAT Essay because the lowest score possible is 2.Your essay is graded on a scale of 1-4 by two readers, and then those scores are added together to give you your final essay score.You could get a 2 because of your handwriting, but it needs to very, very messy.Throughout my years of SAT tutoring, I had many students with handwriting I could barely make out who did find on the SAT essay.My PrepScholar colleagues had the same experience while tutoring. The College Board doesn’t have an official policy on illegible handwriting.However, in their essay grading rubric, the College Board writes that, for a score of 1, the essay shows a weak control of the conventions of standard written English and may contain numerous errors that undermine the quality of writing.Your messy handwriting could be perceived as an error that undermines the quality and ability for the reader to understand our essay. The reality is that all of your handwriting needs to be considered illegible and for you to receive a score of 1.Is your handwriting so terrible that you pick up something you wrote a few months ago and cannot read a single word?I imagine the answer is no.If your handwriting is messy but still legible, you will not automatically receive a 2. If your handwriting is completely indecipherable, you could end up with a 2, but also, not being able to make out a sentence or word here and there could hurt you as well. Don't let your handwriting bring you down! Can You Get Penalized for Some Messy Handwriting? Yes, it’s possible.As I mentioned before, the SAT essay rubric mentions errors that impede on understanding.Errors that undermine the reader’s understanding can reduce your score; those that don’t will not. Therefore, you could be penalized if your handwriting was illegible in certain parts of your essay.For example, if your handwriting was indecipherable for one sentence, but that one sentence was a crucial analysis of the passage that supported your thesis, then you would likely be penalized.If the reader couldn’t understand a single word of that sentence, then your score would likely be affected since the error would undermine the reader’s comprehension of your argument. However, if your messy handwriting doesn’t stop the reader from understanding your argument, then your score probably won’t be affected.If the one sentence that was illegible was in your conclusion and simply summarized a point you’d already made, then you might not be penalized for that since the reader already grasped that point from earlier in your essay. Also, if you simply have slightly sloppy but still decipherable handwriting, then your score likely won’t be affected since the handwriting won’t affect the reader’s experience. 2 Tips to Improve Your Handwriting The safest way to make sure you aren’t penalized for your handwriting is to try to make it more legible, but how? Tip #1: Write Slower This is an easy way to improve.Just write slower and consciously try to make sure you make sure every letter is legible.Most sloppy handwriting is caused by writing way too fast.I know this is tough with only 50 minutes for the SAT essay.However, you’ll get better slowing your handwriting in this limited time with practice. Take as many practice SAT essays as you need to until you’ve mastered the pacing while keeping your handwriting legible.If you need more guidance, read our full step-by-step guide to the SAT essay. Never fear you can better your handwriting! Tip #2: Switch Your Grip and Pressure If slowing down didn’t fix your messy handwriting, then you should try switching your grip and/or changing the pressure you put on the page.A tight grip or strong pressure can make the pencil difficult to maneuver.Try to relax your grip and ease up on the pressure on the pencil.Doing so will allow you to have more control over the pencil’s movement and allow you to create clearer letters. Gripping the pencil closer to the point and farther from the eraser will also help you have more legible handwriting.The closer your hand to the eraser, the harder it is to control the movement of the pencil.Test this out and see the difference.Write the same word with your hand holding the end of the pencil near the eraser and holding the pencil near the point.The latter will be more legible. Handwriting and Disability: What Can You Do? Some students have disabilities that make it difficult to write or can cause writing to be illegible.If you or your child falls into this category, you can request for special accommodations on the SAT.Most students with this issue are allowed to use a computer for the Essay and short response questions. Read more about this special accommodation, including information on how to apply, in our guide toSAT accommodations. Make sure you get this support if you need it! Recap You can't get a zero because the lowest SAT essay score possible is 2. You'll only get a 2if your entire essay is illegible. However, you might still be penalized if just someof your essay is illegible. If the illegible partsimpede the reader's ability to understand your argument, then your score will likely be affected. Therefore, you should try to improve your sloppy handwriting by slowing down, relaxing your grip on your pencil, and relaxing your pressure on the pencil. What’s Next? Want to know more about the SAT Essay? Learn how essay length could influence your score and read our full analysis of the SAT Essay rubric. Need help with overall SAT prep? Check out our free ultimate SAT study guide with individual section strategy information. Trying to figure out where you want to go to college? Read our guide to finding your target school. Already know where you want to go? Read our guide to finding your SAT target score. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Pakistan's international conflict between secularism and Islamic Essay

Pakistan's international conflict between secularism and Islamic militancy - Essay Example However, the Indian population had its own cultural characteristics with the original Hindu majority interspersed with a large population of Muslims, a remnant of the country’s bygone Mughal era. The Muslim population feared dominance in a vastly Hindu populated region and this fear prompted its leaders to suggest a separate state for the Muslims. The British rulers, who had handled such issues in their two centuries old reign in the region, recognized this factionalism in Indian society and with the perception that the demand was reasonable, acceded to the creation of a separate country for the Muslims. With the Muslim higher intensity of Muslim population in the Northern region of Punjab and the Eastern state of Bengal, it was decided that East and West Pakistan were two entities that would suit the purpose. Accordingly, the Sub-Continent was carved into two states, the independent republic of India and Pakistan, the latter with its two landmasses separated from each other. West Pakistan lay in the north west of the subcontinent with majority population being Punjabis, and East Pakistan at the extreme east of the subcontinent, the majority population being Bengalis. ... The remaining Pakistan in the West was the only surviving Muslim dominated region in the Indian sub-continent which has been driven by hatred for its neighbours, India and Afghanistan, rather than being an independent, progressive state as was envisaged by its creators. The country has been through numerous coups, alternating with short periods of a semblance of democracy, the latter being throttled ruthlessly by military rulers through assassinations, murder and mayhem. The Cold War era saw attempts of domination in the region by the then two superpowers, the United States and the former USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). Afghanistan had its own internal problems and remained occupied by Soviet forces for almost ten years during the Cold War. This prompted the United States to pump in economic and arms aid to Pakistan, which gleefully accepted the alms to fuel its hatred and threat to India. Although claiming to be a Muslim country, the Pakistani rulers did not hesitate to ally with China, an atheist state, taking advantage of its border dispute with India. The United States assisted Pakistan to form the Taliban, a radical Muslim organization, with an aim to cripple the USSR presence in Afghanistan, which it did with some degree of success. However, after designs of the west and internal economic and political unrest forced the dismantling of USSR, it lost interest in Afghanistan. The Taliban was left without any purpose, or the need for its existence as an entity. But the large number of youth who were recruited into the organization rebelled and trained their guns on the very creators of their organization, the United States of America. Muslim radical organizations like the now famous Al Qaida grew from West Asia and expanded into the Muslim

Friday, November 1, 2019

Acheulean hand axes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Acheulean hand axes - Essay Example that much research has been conducted to determine the antiquity, stratigraphic context and the associated middle Pleistocene stone tools of the Narmada man. Accordingly Mccowns discoveries can be useful to the paleoanthropologists of the 21st century. In the document one the findings is from central India in Narmada and Tapti valley. The researcher anticipated to study the prehistoric archaeological problems of the Pleistocene time. He studied the region around Narmada river and the tools found indicated the presence of man. He however discovered four main problems among other the use of infer climate model by pre- historian that seemed imperfect in India. He proceeds to japan where he has a conversation with a PhD archaeological candidate who had excavated Narmada (Kennedy and Langstroth 2013:2). They excavated yeldari dam and Purna River. In Narmada MSA materials are found in the river banks. The same materials are found between mandia and jabulpur. In Kamharabna, ESA tools were found appearing on several good and hand axes. The second document was composed of typed field notes by Mrs Shrkurkin who was among the team that had worked with McCown. The document contains several discoveries made at various points during the study. In a nutshell it is a summary of the discoveries that they had made during their survey, much of the tools discovered according to this document were MSA tools. The third document composed of a letter that McCown had written to his wife while surveying mula dam, a place where LSA tools were found. Including the elephant molar teeth (Kennedy and Langstroth 2013:7). In his discussion of the research done by McCown, the author notes that in this period only primary relative dating methods were used. However, in the 21st century more advanced dating method such as absolute dating method are used. The discovery of Acheulian tools in Narmada River or valley is an indication for the middle Pleistocene and later geological deposits in the